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Super Teacher-Work from home-Mom

So here we are at Day 1 of this whole "distance learning" thing. I will be the first to admit that last week was spent trying to figure out exactly how to adjust to working remotely and now being a full-time mom: juggling two kids, explaining to my toddler why he can't have a snack for the 85th time, keeping up with housework because now that we are home all day things sure do get messy, quickly realizing that the obscene amount of snacks and juice I stocked up on are not enough to feed a toddler with enough energy to fuel a car and an almost 12 year old's endless metabolism, explaining to my husband that he is NOT an essential employee, and managing my own anxiety through all of this. The furthest thing from my mind was how I am going to educate my kids. Plus, I figured that this must be an adjustment for them too, so I would give them a break for this to all set in. They are used to a schedule, to structured learning, at a school, with real teachers who went to school to learn how to teach.

I did not. I know my strengths, and this is not one.

So, I put it off last week. But now, here we are.

Day 1.

I kept it easy today. I went back to my initial email from my son's middle school containing supplemental materials and assignments. Okay, I got this. Wait, do I? Some of the stuff on that list made absolutely no sense to me. I have never used Google Classroom and I am not used to Google Docs because I like to keep it old school with my Word and Microsoft Office. But then I thought how lucky I am that my trusty 11 year old DOES understand what all of this means! I just need to act like I get it too, no problemo!

Anywho, I made a task list. And guess what, it was easy! I just followed what his school sent home. Start with math, watch a video for science, choose a painting and sketch it in your sketchbook, read for 30 minutes, listen to a podcast and get 30 minutes of activity in there. I was feeling so great about it all, seeing it written down felt like such an accomplishment. I couldn't wait to him to get up so I could show him how awesome I am at this. I poured my coffee and started my own work.

Then it happened: the hormonal, tween human of mine woke up and begrudgingly began his descent down the stairs, muttering under his breath. He reaches the bottom of the stairs and goes right into "Ugh, I don't want to, I am not doing it."

I hadn't even showed him my super sweet task list, and he already didn't want to do any of it.

So, I seized the opportunity to actually TALK to him about what is going on in the world. We talked a great deal about COVID-19 last week, and the main thing I explained to him was that the reason for all of this is to keep him safe. All the other stuff are things for adults to worry about, but that it is my job right now is to keep him safe. Today, we talked about how life is changing temporarily, and that this is our new normal. Learning is important, and that he doesn't get a pass on the rest of 6th grade because he can't physically go to his school. My expectation is to work from home, and so is his. I explained that there is a lot of room for creativity, and that I am new at all of this too. We brainstormed some cool ways to get this work done. For science he is learning about ecosystems and I told him to research a way we can make our own ( For his 30 minutes of activity, we laughed at ways he could chase his brother, jump on the trampoline, and he got really excited at the thought of using the treadmill (oh to be 11 and WANT to use the treadmill). I love moments like this with my son. I love that he really does listen and we can have meaningful conversations. I encourage all of you to do this with your kids. He got it, and he even hugged me before he went off to login to his computer.

I am feeling much better about all of this now.

And for my toddler, EVERYTHING is a teachable moment. I had him help me make pancakes this morning, he got to stir and add sprinkles (everything gets sprinkles), we talked about hot and cold, I had him help me clean up, then we watered plants. I explained why it's important for plants to get water, like it's important for our bodies to get food (just not 85 snacks a day). He is now happily sorting shapes and colors on his iPad. Yup, I've got this.

You've got this too!

Here's to Day 1!

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