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Captains Log: Day 70

Wow, who would have ever thought we would have made it to day 70? I know that I sure didn't, but am happy that I am still able to write this from my home office. There have been many changes since the last time I wrote about COVID19.

School from home has been wearing on my very soon to be 12 year old. He is certainly stuck in the monotony, and it is showing in his lack of interest to complete his work. My morning started off with an email from his math teacher about how he hasn't been completing or handing in assignments. News to me! I check with my kiddo every day and he assures me everything is done. I have never heard of a child lying to their parents, so I am sure this must me a mistake. Laughing. Out. Loud! As I wrote his teacher back, I knew it was out of laziness that these assignments were not completed, and that the reward of online game time with friends is far more elusive than fessing up to mom that you didn't finish your work. The part about that that stinks is that parents always seem to catch you in these lies, and his got him grounded for the week. Oops! He wasn't even mad about it, he came clean immediately and used the excuse that those assignments were just too long. Oh boy, I wish I could not do the laundry because there is just too much of it! Life isn't that easy, and hopefully this is another live and learn opportunity for him. One of my favorite things to say to him when we go through these "butting of the head moments" is that as a parent I am to love him unconditionally, and to give him the tools to get him to adulthood. My job evaluation will take place when he is grown and I can see if I gave him the right means to succeed. I go back to everything being a teachable moment, especially the tough stuff. I think he gets this. I have said it so much I know he will at least remember that saying, and hopefully use it himself one day.

On a happier note, I completely had a meltdown last week which led to me hiring a babysitter. The meltdown part was anything but happy, but the fact that it led me to finally admit defeat was well worth it! I could not work from home and parent at the same time. It cannot be done, and I waved the white flag. So sweet Amelia started watching my crazy little toddler this morning, and I feel like a whole new person! Hence why I am actually having enough time to write! I had a checklist of things to do, and in the few hours of just me time this morning, I was able to cross about 80% of them off. The best part? She lives right down the road, and has been following all safety COVID protocols, so that fear of letting someone into my home daily was not there. It is only day 1, but I feel amazing about this!!! Why did I not do this sooner?

On a not so happy note, the state decided to slowly reopen beginning May 20, 2020. Small gatherings of up to 5 people, make sure you wear a mask, continue washing your hands, make sure to practice social distancing. Based on my social media feed, it looks like people thought that was the magic date that this pandemic was over. That the virus would just pack up and leave on May 20! People are throwing parties, going out to bars and restaurants, visiting family who they haven't seen for months! I get it, this sucks. I miss my family and friends A WHOLE BUNCH! But you know what I will also miss by staying home? Ventilators, hospital stays, getting someone else sick, and contributing the number of infections. Seriously though, I saw entire families out shopping yesterday when I went to get groceries. I'm still over here washing down my bags when I get home, and there are people taking their kids into a grocery store for no reason other than they must think it is safe now. Like an imaginary switched got turned and all is well in the world again. Not taking my chances with this pandemic, no thank you! I will stick to staying home, staying safe and keeping myself socially distant. It was hard enough for me to balance the pros and cons of letting a teenager into my home, I couldn't imagine throwing a barbecue right now! I know this is just me and my opinion, but that is the beauty of a blog, I am allowed. I just want my friends and family to be safe, so I will do my part and stay parked. Plus, my yard has never looked better! I have planted so many gorgeous flowers and started my garden! I am loving that part of being home. And now that I don't have to worry about parenting a toddler and working at the same time, my new home office that I moved upstairs is simply amazing!

You know what else is amazing, lunch! So I am going to go eat. Total side note, I am making my way to becoming a vegetarian. Right now I am at pescatarian level, and am enjoying it. It might be where I stay, I love shrimp too much to let it go. Ugh, bad pun not intended.


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