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Super Mask Maker Work From Home Mom

My family likes to joke and call me "Save the world Sarah" because I am always going out of my way to help others. I have been this way as long as I can remember. I would give my snacks away to others, sit with the kid at lunch who was sitting alone, and always jumped at the chance to help.

Last weekend I saw posts of people sewing cloth masks for others and thought: "hey, I can do that." I broke out my sewing machine and a few remnants of fabric that I had tucked away in a closet and I got to work. I made up a pattern in my head that seemed logical and started making these fairly simple masks for my close family and friends. By the time I went to bed on Friday night, I had made about 30 masks. I woke up on Saturday with the immediate need to make more. Because, just as much as I like saving world, I dive into projects at 100 mph and with such an annoying intensity that I literally become consumed with the task at hand.

I decided I needed more fabric, so I put out a call on our local Buy Nothing Facebook page. For anyone who has not heard of these kinds of groups, they are amazing! People can simply post things they are giving away, or you can ask for things you are looking for. Well, members of my little town jumped at the chance to help and within an hour I had picked up YARDS of donated fabric.

By 11:30 PM Saturday, another 75 masks done, and all of that fabric was gone. People were reaching out to me from the Buy Nothing Group, and I could not say no.

Sunday morning, off to Walmart to get more fabric. Now, I have been out to the grocery store since the pandemic started, but there was no way I was going to go to Walmart for anything, I swore to it. But here I was: masked up, gloved up, Lysol wipes in hand, standing in line to enter Walmart so I could buy fabric.

Another 100 by Sunday night. I had people reaching out from around Connecticut and across the U.S. I had padded envelopes addressed and ready to go out the next day. What did I get myself into?

For the next week, I would work during the day, and then move to my kitchen table mask factory at night. At some point I hit 300. The only reason I know this is because I put each mask into a snack sized plastic bag, and I went through 3 boxes. It was at the 300 mask mark that I decided I needed to take a break. I had spent so much time sitting in that chair sewing, that I missed giving my kid a bath, or eating dinner with my family, or snuggling with my husband to watch a movie. Even those who save the world need a break, right?

Well, that doesn't work with me! Someone reached out asking for me to help make masks for a senior living facility in town, and I absolutely could not say no.

So in case you are wondering, I am now a super mask maker work from home mom with a part time teaching gig. I am still doing it all with a smile, because that is what I do.

Stay well!

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