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It's Been a While...

And for no real reason. I would like to pretend it is because I have been doing extravagant things, but that is not the case. To be honest, the days are seemingly the same, and it is wearing on me. I am usually a very happy and optimistic person, but this feeling of sadness has been one I can't seem to shake. And again, for no real reason. I can sit and reflect on all of the good, and there is a lot of it, but this doom and gloom always creeps back in. I think it is because I am such an extrovert that lack of interaction is what is driving it. So, I focus on the good:

My family is safe and healthy.

My job has allowed me to help so many people in our community, and it is the best feeling!

The weather has been beautiful!

After living here for 5 years, I am finally starting a garden!

I have made over 500 masks!

I received space themed decorations for free and redecorated my little guys room. His response: "wow mom, this is so beautiful."

I have also realized that I am really writing this blog for me, lol. I want to one day be able to read about my times during quarantine as people are calling it. So, if you are reading all of my posts, thank you!

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