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Someone threw a lifesaver my way...

So when all of this was going down a few weeks ago, schools initially said they would be closed for 2 or 3 weeks. I think we all were hopeful that was how it would play out, but it was apparent rather quickly into the beginning of last week that would't be the case. This nasty little COVID-19 is going to keep Connecticut schools closed through at least April 20, and some states have already announced their schools will remained closed until the fall. Teachers in our town sent home work for two weeks, and this work was more of a suggestion rather than actual work that was going to be graded. It was organized and concise, which made it very easy for me to navigate when I started our distance learning journey a mere 4 days ago. Well, that work was completed and it went rather quickly for my kiddo. I was enjoying being creative and adding assignments for him, but was getting excited to a more detailed plan from his teachers. Well my friends, that lifesaver got thrown my way today!

Starting next week, my lovely sixth grader will have a weekly assignment plan. These assignments will have due dates (woo hoo) and will be graded by his teachers. This will make it much easier for me as a Super Teacher Mom to get my son to do his work. It won't be me telling him to do his work, but it will be his teachers expecting the same types of assignments they have asked him to do all year. Ahhhhhh, the sweet sigh of relief. Thanks for that lifesaver!

I was talking to my coworkers this morning and the general consensus is that parents feel overwhelmed with online schooling and distance learning. I can completely understand that. As a parent, I was, and still am, overwhelmed. I think it is very reassuring to hear from the schools that this is a new experience for all of us, and that we are all in this together. My biggest take away is that as a parent, it is unreasonable to think you will become your child's "teacher". They already have teachers, wonderful teachers, that will continue to educate your kids. If it is becoming a daily battle to get the work done, communicate this with their teachers. I will bet you that if they don't want to do work at home, there was a time or two they didn't want to do at school either. Teachers will have great suggestions as to how to engage your kiddo.

I also know that what is working for us is a schedule. Both of my kids needed this! At first it was a total free-for-all for my toddler, and his behavior was very indicative of the chaos we had created with the lack of structure. His is a very fluid schedule, but it gives him an expectation as to what comes next. Breakfast, get dressed, read some books, play a game on his tablet so mommy can start her work, have a snack, go outside, have lunch, take a nap, go outside... you catch my drift. With my tween, his schedule was simple and very much resembled how we treated normal school days. He gets up, has breakfast and then does his school work. We never let him play video games during the week when he was going to school, but that has changed because, well, because everything has changed. I feel it is a huge social outlet for him and he absolutely needs that right now. But, the expectation is that he needs to complete his work for the day before any device gets turned on. He has done a great job of this, except for the day the substitute was here... (I have completely relieved the substitute from his job, he is now a preschool teacher and coworker)

If you are still waiting for your lifesaver, I would recommend contacting your child's school. Don't forget that this is a new way of teaching for all of these teachers too. Patience is key right now. Make sure you are able to separate being a parent from being a teacher. Set reasonable expectations. I know that doing all of those things has been what has made this seem easier than I initially thought it would be. Also, remember that every other child is in the same boat! All schools are closed right now, so we really are ALL in this TOGETHER.

Breathe in, breathe out, and go catch that lifesaver!!!

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